The "vertebral subluxation complex" is a term used in chiropractic care to describe a slight misalignment, displacement, or blockade of a vertebral body. The chiropractic adjustment attempts to correct these misalignments by increasing motion in the vertebral joint and thus restoring joint function to the vertebral disc. Chiropractic is a proven solution to address these spinal issues. The overall goal of chiropractic care is to stimulate the body’s innate healing process through relieving pressure in the nervous system, and this allows the body to find its own balance. The treatment leads to the stabilization of spinal movement, and a reduction in the patients acute or ongoing symptoms. Drinking an adequate amount of water is essential to keep intervertebral discs hydrated and resilient. Low back exercises and stretching is recommended to counteract the compressive effects of poor posture, sitting throughout the day at work, or a general lack of activity | Nerve pathway and Blockage: The importance of the spine in facilitating the flow of nerve impulses from the brain to various parts of the body is essential and cannot be underestimated. Disruptions in the spine, such as misalignments, blockages, disc damage, or degenerative processes, can lead to issues with the transmission of nerve signals. Depending on the severity of these disruptions, symptoms may include tingling, numbness, pain, stinging, or muscle tension. Interference with nerve impulses can also affect internal organs, leading to problems without apparent causes in conventional medicine. The intervertebral discs play a crucial role in supporting the spine and facilitating its movement. There are 23 intervertebral discs in the spine and they are composed of approximately 80% water, giving them a fluid-like quality. Each disc is located between two vertebral bodies and serve as shock absorbers for the spine during movement. They help maintain the flexibility, mobility and stability of the spine. Intervertebral discs have limited blood vessels, and rely on healthy spinal movement for the supply of nutrition from surrounding tissue into the disc. The removal of toxins or waste product from the disc is also a function of this spinal motion, and is disturbed when the vertebral bodies are misaligned or blocked. Chronic blockages in vertebral joints affect normal mobility, and hinder the nourishment of intervertebral discs, leading to degeneration.